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Wallpaper Designs to Suit Every Space

Posted on 11 Jan, 2019

Using statement wallpaper is one way to change the look of a space, be it in your home, a coffee shop or a hotel, and there are plenty of amazing designs to choose from. Whether you want something simple and muted, bold and bright or classy and elegant, there's something for everyone.

The first recorded use of wallpaper was in China in 200 B.C. when the Chinese first glued rice paper to walls. When the craze moved to Europe only the wealthy could afford to commission artisans to create their designs via hand painting or the use of stencils. Luckily with the advent of the printing press they became more widely available and now modern printing technology allows us a huge array of choices in pattern, texture and ... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design | Tagged: interior design interior design trends statement wallpaper wallpaper

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